Saturday, May 22, 2010


   I've been feeling the need to run lately. I pushed myself too hard yesterday I think.. my right foot feels stressed :( I hope that doesn't give me any foot problems, Bunions are inheritable in my family.. just wonderful ugh. 
Aside from feeling the need to run, I've gotta clean my apartment... that's been lookin' a mess. I haven't done my laundry and don't get me wrong I can go a month or two without doing laundry.. I've got a ton of clothes. No matter how many times I've tried to get rid of a lot of them it still seems too much. I've donated so many clothes and footwear to another country.. and I feel like I haven't donated enough. I haven't done much clothes shopping because I have this need to save money for.. well.. bills I should say. That includes helping my parents who both have retired and my baby brother who is in college... a very expensive one at that (Not that colleges aren't expensive as it is, he picked a private one.) Still I feel so useless to them. I need a whole chunk of cash to fall on my lap so that I don't have to worry about these things.. a wish which I'm sure a lot of us share. My baby brother is a hard working college kid, a really good kid. When he was younger he was such a slow learner that my parents worried he would never finish school.. but here he is aspiring to be a 3D animator. Sleepless nights working on his assignments, spending so much time in school.. I worry when he doesn't get sleep. I don't live with my parents where my brother resides so my parents are the ones giving me updates on how he's doing aside from seeing him from time to time. I remember when he and I used to live in Seattle with our mom. My mom lived there for three years, wanting to be away from my father for a while. My baby brother only lived there for a year and I for about eight months. She made my baby brother move there because when my mom moved to Seattle, he sort of turned rebellious.. little did she know that he was even worse when he moved to Seattle. When I arrived I had to guide him in the right direction.. being a teenager was going to be rough. I remember him creating a T-Rex from wire dry cleaner hangers. It was well "sculpted" that I remember being so amazed at what I saw. All it needed was skin. My baby brother actually helped me heal a wounded heart. I ended up in Seattle after a tremendous heartbreak. I was in a three year rollercoaster ride of a relationship with someone I fell too deeply involved with. I loved him. After two years he decided to move to Cali, asked me to come with him but I said no. After three months of missing him I soon followed, even leaving my family and friends behind. Needless to say that only lasted about a month. We couldn't stand each other. I couldn't wait for a plane ticket and so I took Amtrak. I endured 29 hours alone on that train up to Seattle. My heart breaking miles on through. Funny thing is when a cute boy (around my age or maybe a little older I was only 22 then) came onto the train he gave me a triple take and sat near me. We both exchanged glances at each other but never talked during the ride. At one point he went to the back bar/restaurant area.. I was curious so I followed him and ended up getting a beer. But of course I was too chicken to start a conversation and realized I was still heart broken over my ex and went back to my seat. That long Amtrak ride gave me a bit of solitude, some sense of peace. I reached Seattle station hugged my mom so tight and balled into tears. My heart broke even more for the next several months. 
   I think now about that time and ask myself if he really did hurt me that much that I'm having trouble staying in a relationship? Is it sad that I'm still friends with all my ex-boyfriends? Why do these guys try to find me after many years and tell me they fucked up? That if I could give them one last chance they'd make it right? I think the only reason I allow them in my life is because I'm so over about my feelings for them. Why is it that when a date doesn't work out I end up being just friends with the guy? I'm very feminine on the outside but very tomboy on the inside.. maybe guys just get too intimidated by me. I don't know.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Expendables and the NON-Expendable

   I went on a Rocks Off Concert Cruise last night to see the Expendables play, and they were awesome! I had a great time with five other friends. Sadly I lost my Canon SD750 camera on board. It was my fault I wasn't more careful in toting it on my wrist. I have come to accept I won't be seeing my camera anymore and care less of it than the pictures that my friends and I took on board *sigh* 
It sucks to lose a camera I've grown so accustomed to, even more that I lost pictures as well, I can't even share it with you *pouts*

The Expendables.. love them. They are one of my favorite reggae/ska/rock bands. Who wouldn't like music that makes you want to chill and drink on a beach all day and maybe all night?  :) Gettin' Filthy and Open Container are two of the albums I have.. very entertaining and very funny. These guys are just too cool.

Check them out:                     

Get your copy of PROVE IT, new album released yesterday from Stoopid Records!

Random thought:

What do you do when you feel like somethings a miss with someone you're "dating" and you can't figure out what exactly it is? Is it a flaw of theirs? Is it something he or she lacks mentally or sexually? Is it superficial for one to have to be physically attracted to a person? 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Iron Man Firenze

   So today my older brother took my mom, dad and I out to see Iron Man 2, believe it or not she enjoys watching comic book derived movies and she's 54. She even remembers parts of the first movie that I didn't lol. I personally enjoyed the movie, especially in IMAX. Ya gotta love when Stan Lee cameos in any comic book movie.. in a way it completes the film, sort of a stamp of approval. If any of you are planning to see IM2, don't rush out of the theater so quick no matter how much you'd like to piss.. stay tuned for the extra scene at the end of credits. If you're a fan of comic book heroes, you'll definitely be excited for the next sequel :)
   After the movies I treated them to an upscale Italian restaurant called Firenze. Oh-Em-Gee.. great food. I especially loved the Bass on the special menu. The Bass almost tasted like crab but juicy like steak.. it was sooo good. I'm not much of a cook so I can't really describe the way it was cooked but just that it exceeded my expectations :)
   I felt bad for my sister who wanted to surprise my mother. She and my brother in law drove all the way to my mom's house just to surprise her with catered food, gourmet cake and of course, a gift. She didn't know we were out and about. I told her she should've called first. I felt a bit guilty for I failed to let her know we'd be out.. I didn't think she would be going to her house because we officially celebrated Mother's Day last weekend with the whole family.. oh well.

   Today I thought about a man who I hung out with a few times for the last year. The last time we hung out it was for a movie and then dinner. We rarely talk of very personal topics.. and this particular night we did. One of them was of relationships. He talked of how many long relationships he's ever had. I've always known he'd been divorced some years ago, though he wasn't the one who told me. That night, he brought up how he was previously married and how his marriage ended. How? I asked. It was because he didn't want any kids. I didn't want to pry and ask him why he didn't tell her before they got married so I left it alone and let him continue what he was saying. Afterwards all I asked was, "wouldn't you feel lonely when you get older?" I don't quite recall what his response was because I was a bit distracted I should say. I personally never met a man who didn't want kids at all. I mean I've met men who didn't want kids at the time but it didn't mean they didn't want kids someday. I've even met men who didn't want kids at all and after they dated a woman whom they thought would be really worth it they changed their minds... but no not this one. I've gotta admire him though for being honest about the issue. He knew what he didn't want and what he wants. He didn't want to have to change his plans to take his son to a soccer game nor his daughter to a ballet class. He didn't want to be hassled by waking in the middle of the night to change a baby's diaper and enduring its cries. I can respect that. Even though he was well to do, I can also understand why you wouldn't want to hire nannies to take care of your child if you really didn't want kids in the first place... you would fail as a father. Why be a father if you can't fulfill your fatherly duties? So when I walked home that night I thought about our conversation. What if one day I meet "the guy" and he didn't want kids? What if he was "perfect" in every way but dislikes the idea of being a father? Would I continue the relationship? Would I consider NOT having any of my own? I started thinking about whether or not I myself would be a suitable mother. To be honest, at the rate I'm going.. by the time I probably would decide to have kids it would be too late. I'm now 30 and single, still "dating" and with no true relationships.. not even a possible one. I am not even trying to look for the perfect guy because we all know that doesn't exist. To put it simply, I want to end up with someone I am in tune with.. harder to find than you think. In high school I never thought I would date more than a handful of men. Don't get me wrong I've only been in four BF/GF relationships. But I will be honest, I can't remember how many men I've gone on dates with since college.. there were so many that I don't even know if I can remember all their names. That doesn't mean I'm a man-eater does it? Ugh..

Enough rants for the night.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. I definitely would like to be one someday... if that chance ever comes..

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Short Bio From A Newbie

13 going on 30.. well more like 30 wanting to be 13 again. Is it really true that when one reaches the age of 30 we all go through something called "mid-life" crisis?

   So here I am, editing the first blog. I've signed up for blogger some time ago but never posted any blogs.. I used to post my blogs on MySpace when it wasn't all that public yet. I've had that account since they first started and I've pretty much deleted all my blogs and abandoned it. Once upon a time MySpace used to be cool and ever since they went "public" it was everywhere.. massive people signed up for accounts and it soon turned into a site for stalkers, sex addicts, bullies, murderers... not to mention it was creeping with viruses. Glad that facebook still holds true to the essence of networking and staying connected with REAL friends both old and new.  I can't really blog on facebook (although some of my MySpace blog readers are now on my fb friends list) I'm sure you can understand why.

   I'm a girl who grew up in Brooklyn, lived there the longest. I moved around a lot.. ok let's scratch that.. I move around a lot. I recently moved again almost two months ago. I guess moving around a lot also describes my personal life.. sort of. I date a lot.. lol. I can honestly say I haven't been in a serious relationship since my last ex and I broke up in 2005.. or '06? And no it's not because I was devastated.. I wasn't. I think I needed time to really know myself and find out what I really wanted. I travel as much as I can and as far as my funds could take me. Nowadays it's a bit harder for me to find a travel buddy since most of my girl friends have been what they themselves say "wifed up" or "domesticated" Don't get me wrong I do still have girl friends who are living the single life as I. I have no complaints in my life right now except for the minor changes I would like to make.

   I'm again so tired.. just got home from my parents house. My brother and I took our mom out today instead of tomorrow for Mothers Day. Shopping and dinner.. I feel like I was working out the whole time because I had 10lb-backpack on containing my laptop and such (bad idea) I should know my mother by now lol. I think I need a whole body rub...

Happy Mothers Day to all you beautiful mothers out there :)